Hi everyone!
My name is Inkeri and I'm a 30-something-year-old woman from Finland. I registered on Booklikes about one or two years ago, but I haven't really utilized it yet. Now that a new year has begun I thought I'd make something out of it and start posting my reviews on here.
A disclaimer of my reviews is in order: I'm not a reviewer! I don't really analyse the books I read as deeply as a review might expect, so when I'm reviewing a book, I'm more likely to be sharing my general thoughts than digging too deep into the depths of the said book. So in case if you're looking for a structured analytically deep review of a book, please go somewhere else, or be disappointed.
The main and the most important reason I wanted to start posting my reviews here on Booklikes is the fifty-fifty challenge. I've been trying to complete the challenge for three years now. This is my fourth try and I'm more than determined to finish it this year. I wanted to have a completely new (well, new for me) platform to be able to sort of start from scratch.
What is a fifty-fifty challenge you might ask?
It's a challenge to read 50 books and watch 50 movies in a year. I know some people read hundreds of books a year (I personally think they're a bit cuckoo... ;) ) but I can hardly finish 20 a year, and I think of myself as an avid reader. :D
What I've learned from the past tries to complete this challenge, I need to read short, fun and easy to read books. I'm glad the challenge allows re-reads, because I'm planning to do a couple of those, such as the Harry Potter series and the Sookie Stackhouse novels, because I know I'll be able to read them pretty fast.
I've also signed myself up for Sock Poppet's 2015 Read-By-the-Month Reading Challenge, because it just seemed like a fun thing to do.
I'm also a member on Goodreads, if you're intrigued, you can check out from my Gooreards profile what I've read in the past and see what else I've planned to read sometime in the future. I will be updating my books on Goodreads as well as here.
Even though I might sometime mistakenly think of myself as shy I'm a pretty outgoing person and some people have told me that I'm an extrovert and the most positive person they've ever met, so don't be afraid to say hi!