Title: Dead Until Dark
Author: Charlaine Harris
ISBN: 978-0-441-01699-0
Pages: 292
Date Started: January 2, 2015
Date Finished: January 3, 2015
Dead Until Dark is the first book of thirteen that tells the story of how the small town waitress, Sookie Stackhouse, had her life flipped upside down by vampire Bill.
Sookie lives in a small town called Bon Temps and no vampire has crossed her path during the two years they've been out of the coffin, (so to speak). Sookie works as a waitress in the Merlotte's Bar and knows a lot more about the patrons than she would like. Sookie has a rare talent; she's telepathic and can hear everything everyone is thinking. She can hardly contain herself on the day a vampire finally walks in to the bar. If she only knew what Vampire Bill had in store for her, but Bill was something whose thoughts she couldn't hear.
Bill takes her for a ride of her life, but then the murders start happening. Sookie has a good reason to fear for her life.
I knew immediately what he was. It amazed me when no one else turned around to stare. They couldn't tell! But to me, his skin had a little glow, and I just knew.
(quote from the book)
This is the third time I'm reading the books from the beginning. I first read them maybe eight years ago and re-read then in 2011 when I needed to remind myself of what had been happening before I read the newly released book. Even though the last of the fourteen books was released in 2013 I still haven't read it, which is why I need to remind myself of the story-so-far again.
The main character of the book is Sookie Stackhouse. She's described as pretty, dainty, breasty and blonde. She works as a waitress and she likes to bathe in the sun. From this description you might think she's also dumb as a tree bark but I'm happy to tell you that you'd be wrong. Sookie is one of favorite characters of all time because of this. Even though she might look like the main character of Clueless, she's a lot smarter and much more self-reliant than that. She knows how to stick up for herself, both verbally and physically.
Sookie's rare telepathic talent gives her some advantage. If she chooses to listen in other people's thoughts she would know what not to say and how better to act in those situations. Regardless of that though, she hates her talent, because most of the time it's really hard to block all the thoughts and it's not fun to hear things you're not supposed to.
Then one fine day, in swoops vampire Bill to ease the cacophony of thoughts in her brain. She can't hear a thing he's thinking and she's thrilled to finally have met a guy she's been wanting to meet all her life. Dream guy or not, dating a vampire could get dangerous, (you being considered as food every now and then) and then there's the age difference (of a hundred years or so) of course, it's not that easy dating a guy whose dating habits are from the 1850's. The murders of other waitresses associated with vampires doesn't make it any easier either. Don't even let me get started on how the vampire pecking order could severely damage the relationship.
Even though Sookie is one of my favorite characters she can be a little annoying as well. When it comes to relationships she can be a little naive which is probably due to the lack of them for her. Because of the telepathy (even though she claims she hates the ability) she has probably grown accustomed to be able to know what other people are thinking and somehow subconsciously expects to know Bill's thoughts as well. What frustrated me the most was why she couldn't just ask him when something was bothering her, but instead made her own conclusions. (And now as I'm writing this review I recall that this get's even worse in the upcoming books)
I liked the book a lot. I like the way Charlaine Harris writes and tells a story. It's easy to read and the story is surprising. From time to time there's too many things happening at the same time though, and then it gets messy and I find it hard it follow. I find myself thinking "When did she/he get there? Wasn't she/he just sitting on the couch and she's outside? What just happened?", but it could just be me and my lack of concentration.
I generally enjoy reading general fiction novels and mysetries, but I like to venture to fantasy books every now and then. The Sookie Stackhouse novels are my favorite vampire-related series and I'm sure I'll re-read the book and the whole series again someday. I might grow out of the series at some point, but until then I'll make sure to read them as many times as possible.
Visit Charlaine Harris' official site to find out what else she has written.